Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Week 9 Project Gutenburg

Free electronic books and the language you want to read them in.


I logged onto zilllow.com. Found it very intresting, except I looked into my neighborhood real estate listings and they were not up to date. It may be because it's fairly new housing , the pricing was a bit off, but I think I'll give it a try at a later date.

Week 8 online productivity

Here is my link to Zoho writer.


Week 7 SandboxWiki

While trying to add my blog to favorite blogs, the site was not working.


It was intresting on YouTube. I was amazed at how many video's were on it. I watched "Walking in the Woods with Julian" because it was a silent one, and I had no earphone here at work. I will go back at home and view several more.
Not intrested in Podcasting. But what a tool for the right person.

23 Things overview: I learned alot of useful information, I hope I can retain it and pass it along to patrons at the Library.

Week 8

Just trying to get through this...
Not very intresting reading for me on this one, I didn't find anything I needed to use in any of the excercises I explored.
Just being honest I guess, I'm tired, it's early...

week 7 wikis

Wikipedia (online encyclopedia, I felt you can get the same info by googling, Wikipedia offers more options, I guess I would have to get more fimiliar with it to use it.
Book Lovers Wiki, is a great place to tell our patrons to go to find book reviews.